Posts tagged life seasons
Spring Seasonal Living Tips

Springtime is an entire season dedicated to the celebration of new beginnings, fertility, the quickening of life, and the beautiful birthing and rebirthing process. In nature we watch new babies hatch, fuzzy wide-eyed animals emerge and take their first steps, and delicate blooms flower a fragrant performance. This season is intoxicatingly beautiful and always passes much too quickly. In my efforts to slow down and live more connected to nature, I’ve compiled a list of ways to live seasonally in spring.

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The Art of Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, and the artful practice of connecting nature, is tonic for the body and soul. It is all about taking care to notice the delicate transformations in our environment as they happen through the year and adjusting the way we live in response. It’s about being more in tune with each of the micro seasons that fall within a single year and the life cycles of the flora and fauna that inhibit our ecosystems. It’s about growing our awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and engaging in communication with nature.

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