Teaching burnt out women how to cultivate nourished, connected and leisurely lives through gardening, wildcrafting, and supportive lifestyle strategies.


Transform your busy life that's full of constantly doing to a life that prioritizes leisure, connection, rest, nourishment and wellbeing.

Life is about so much more than working 40 hours a week and squeezing the things that truly make us feel good into the margins of time between responsibilities. That is the American way, and it breeds stressed out and unwell women. My approach to wellbeing is inspired by my heritage, the slow Italian lifestyle, which prioritizes the things proven to help humans thrive - eating fresh organic food right from the garden, quality relationships, daily walks, natural movement, living close to nature, rest, leisure activities, and imbuing beauty into the everyday.
This is the Italian way.


Feel nourished, full of ease, grounded, and empowered to live - the bella vita

My approach to holistic wellbeing is about cultivating lasting lifestyle habits that serve you, and your family, on home soil so that you can finally feel whole in body, mind, and soul.


il dolce far niente /

the sweetness of doing nothing


il dolce far niente / the sweetness of doing nothing /


a reimagining of the good life

My experiences are led in an environment where students develop practical skills to nourish themselves literally and soulfully, learn blue zone lifestyle strategies, connect with community, and be immersed in the energy of pleasure and ease that comes with living the good life.

The Gather & Grow experience is a simple yet transformative approach to cultivating wellbeing and ease in life for busy women feeling burnt out and hungry for more.

There is a better way!



1:1 Mentorship

Group Workshops + Rooted Rhythms


Meadow House Social Club


Meet Brianne Italia


You don’t have to quit your job & move away for a better lifestyle. I'll teach you how to live well on home soil.

As a Master Gardener, wildcrafter and lifestyle mentor, I’ve been on an a transformational journey to heal my own burnt out, improve my wellbeing, and reprogram engrained workaholic tendencies. Through gardening, botanical crafts, daily walks in nature, nourishing meals, and reprioritizing the things that matter most, I've recalibrated my lifestyle from depleted and burnt out to grounded, connected and well nourished.

LIFE THE                 WAY

Ten years ago, I was working 60 hour weeks in the office plus more at home - chasing the American dream yet totally depleted, stressed, and unwell. My grandmother, Italia, was a gardener, and when she passed I began to garden to feel close to her. My life changed that summer, for in the garden I learned how to heal and truly nourish myself. I rejected the American way and began implementing the transformational blue-zone strategies that my Grandmother Italia lived by - daily walks, gardening, eating fresh, resting, putting family first, art, beauty, and so on. Her way of life - the slow Italian way - prioritized wellbeing over doing.

Today, I'm resilient, nourished, connected and more easeful than ever before. For years, I’ve been committed to helping others do the same.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you, through a series of workshops and 1:1 mentoring designed to support you in your own journey towards creating a slower, more nourished life. If I can do it, you can too.

I long to see the 8-5 work day and standard American diet replaced with a nourishing lifestyle that roots us into wellbeing, community, and the earth.

You’ve been taught to believe that being productive makes you worthy of ___________.

You fill in the blank.

So you’ve stayed busy trying to achieve the American dream - always on-the-go and consuming your way towards an illusion. This has left you feeling exhausted, empty, unwell and lacking of deep connection. Your life if stuffed full, but you are starving.

Your to-do list is destroying your wellbeing.

You want to sell it all and move worlds away, but that’s not realistic. So you find yourself imagining an alternative lifestyle altogether - one that makes you feel grounded, whole, connected, easeful, and well everyday - right where you are now. In that dream, theres good food, flowers and veggies that you grow in your own garden, fresh air, meaningful connections, slow evenings, and ample time doing the things that really fill you up, or nothing at all.

You’re unsure on how to adopt blue zone habits, or how to garden, cook with your harvest, and wildcraft for your wellness.


You don't have to move away to enjoy the good life. You can cultivate it here, on home soil.

As the world continues to rush forward, cultivating a truly nourishing lifestyle means that you need to develop an heirloom skillset and new lifestyle habits. If it hasn't been modeled or taught to you, then you need a teacher.

My grandmother, Italia, modeled this to me and I'm here to teach you. The garden, wild, and kitchen table is our classroom. Together we'll dig and grow and cook things up, literally and figuratively, so you can experience the life-transforming power of true nourishment.




  • Nurturing & Fun

    “Brianne Dela Cruz is incredibly knowledgeable & also creates a community within the class that is very nurturing and fun! I adored this class.”

  • Wealth of Knowledge

    “Thank you Brianne from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity and wealth of knowledge. You are an inspiration in so many ways. Keep sharing your gifts with the world!! You are an admirable representative of Mother Earth and are changing our soul group.”

  • Emotional Connection

    “The sense of community and emotional connection that I made with my classmates and with Brianne was incredible. Not only did she foster the connection with us, but also encouraged us to connect with each other and the Earth and I loved all of that.”

  • Slow Down & Consider

    “This has opened my eyes to a healthier, more intentional way of looking at my relationship to my body and our beautiful Earth. Everything is so hands on, and so applicable to life. It was a place to slow down and consider all the bounty of the Earth, and how to utilize it in a loving, smart and responsible way. I love that I feel like I have skills I can continue to use.”


al fresco lifestyle guide for living well

Nourishing strategies for burnt out women ready to slow down and build a life of ease.

✔ Our signature approach is rooted in tradition.

✔ Learn my heirloom Italian wisdom to start cultivating the good life.

cultivate the good life with

mentorship in the garden