Posts tagged nature activity
Fostering Community Joy with May Day Posies

I long to see a renaissance of deeply meaningful traditions that encourage human connection, like the nature-rooted festivals of the Wheel of the Year. As a gardener and forager, I find the celebrations that invoke connection to self, community and nature to be much more rewarding than those centered around commerce. This Beltane I’ll foster community connection through hosting a bonfire and surprise-gifting May Day posies to friends and family. I want to capture the whimsy, magic, and community joy of May Day, so I crafted these beribboned paper cones to hold flowers. On the eve of Beltane I’ll surprise-gift these to neighbors, family, and friends by hanging them on them on doorknobs.

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Forest Bathing, Moss Gazing, and Mucking about in the Mountains

With lockdown restrictions lifting I find myself more than eager to venture farther from my home. For the past 10 weeks I’ve been confined to working from the couch, socially distanced walks in the park, and backyard solo hangouts. The flowering of springtime and the rush of snowmelt has forest trails and gushing streams beckoning my earthy soul. My legs crave rugged terrain to navigate, my lungs are desperate for fresh mountain air, and my heart yearns for the freedom of the wild. I’m not accustomed to being restricted as much as we have been these last few months, so with these reasserted freedoms, exploration off the beaten path is my goal for the day. This too, just like so many things these days, feels like a privilege and a blessing.

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