Posts tagged spring home projects
Re-landscaping Phase 1: Demolition

I’ve been going through a phase of intense deconstruction; both in my yard and in the landscape of my personal life. I’m learning that healing old wounds in relationships is not all that different from re-landscaping. Resources like sun, healthy soil and water (or vulnerability, understanding and acceptance) need to be present. In both regards, one must be willing to do the work. Bottom line is that it’s hard manual labor - literally and figuratively. It is possible, though, to regenerate the land so things can grow once again. But until then, this is the place I find myself in - a phase of deconstruction.

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Spring Seasonal Living Tips

Springtime is an entire season dedicated to the celebration of new beginnings, fertility, the quickening of life, and the beautiful birthing and rebirthing process. In nature we watch new babies hatch, fuzzy wide-eyed animals emerge and take their first steps, and delicate blooms flower a fragrant performance. This season is intoxicatingly beautiful and always passes much too quickly. In my efforts to slow down and live more connected to nature, I’ve compiled a list of ways to live seasonally in spring.

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Low Waste & Natural Spring Cleaning Tips

These longer sunnier days feel more like springtime, and I've definitely gotten bit by the spring cleaning bug. I feel that a household refresh is an amazing way to usher in the start of new season. Since transitioning to a lower waste lifestyle, some of my most favorite swaps have been in my cleaning supplies kit. Before making these low waste and natural cleaning swaps, I did a lot of research because I wanted to do what was best for my health and home, as well as for the environment. In an effort to help you reset and refresh your home this spring, I’m sharing my tips on how to make sustainable and natural cleaning swaps in the home.

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