Posts tagged Rewilding
The Vision and Landscape Design for Rewilding our Land

This is no ordinary backyard filled with uniform shrubs, nor religiously mowed each Saturday afternoon before the broadcasted game. This is a place where the soil remains true and the plants shape-shift with the seasons. It is dry yet lush; windswept yet calming. It’s made to be lived in, to be wildcrafted with and to be engaged with in reciprocity . It’s also made to be an example to others of the miracles possible when we return to our roots. This is a landscape, rewild.

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Planting our Hügelkultur Privacy Berm

It’s seemed like a long time coming, but we’ve finally planted trees along our northern border. After considering and imagining countless trees and tall shrubs of all varieties, I elected to plant a dozen Green Giant Arborvitae trees. This hedge of trees is already transforming the feeling in our backyard and I can’t wait to watch them grow together in the coming years. After so many long days of toiling, moments like this make rewilding this land all worth it.

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15 Ways to Rewild Yourself

Nature has always been a place for me to self-soothe. Whether it's been starting a garden and learning how to tend my heart in the same way I do my plants, or by going on walks in the forest to discover wild herbs and edibles. There's no denying how therapeutic it is to escape into nature and recalibrate our true north, or as I call it: rewilding. In the chaos of our global pandemic, economic instability, climate change, and social justice movements layered on top of an already fast-paced and overstimulated culture, I see the need now more than ever, for people to rewild. So, I’ve rounded up a list of 15 ways to rekindle your connection nature and rewild yourself.

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