Filtering by: “Seasonal Living”

Rooted Rhythms Wildcrafting Course
to Oct 26

Rooted Rhythms Wildcrafting Course

An 8-week Immersive Course with Plants, Flowers, and Herbs

A deeply immersive wildcrafting apprenticeship rooted in Earth’s cycles. Join us at The Kinlands for eight classes throughout the harvest season with Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow to learn the language of plants through the art of growing herbs and folk herbalism. We’ll tend, harvest, and wildcraft medicinal plants together through the harvest season in addition to learning about and honoring the earth’s seasonal cycles. Brianne will lead hands-on crafting workshops in the field and the Garden House covering various topics to fully immerse students into the world of growing, tending, and crafting with plants. Students will enjoy making herbal oil infusions, tinctures, oxymels, flower essences, decoctions, syrups, tea blends, herbal body products and more, all while syncing with the lunar and solar cycles and celebrating the Autumn season as a community in tune with the land

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Natural Egg Dying Workshop

Natural Egg Dying Workshop


Join us on the land at our natural egg-dying class that’s fun for the whole family. In this class, we’ll learn about plants that make colorful natural dyes, plus how to make and mix a natural dye bath to create fun colors. Each person will decorate their own eggs and take home a jar of hard-boiled eggs soaking in a shade of their own mixing. This crafty class is open to adults and children ages 8+. All participants need to register because supplies are limited.

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Seasonal Living Workshop: Autumn

Seasonal Living Workshop: Autumn

This workshop provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning with the cycles of the seasons. Workshop presenter, Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles, and she'll outline the seasonal transition days to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Seasonal Living Workshop: Summer

Seasonal Living Workshop: Summer

This workshop provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning with the cycles of the seasons. Workshop presenter, Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles, and she'll outline the seasonal transition days to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Seasonal Living Workshop

Seasonal Living Workshop

Join ACE and Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather and Grow to learn about seasonal living. This workshop provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning your daily life with nature's seasons. Workshop presenter, Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles so you can learn how to live and plan. your life according to the seasons. She'll outline the seasonal transition days (such as the Summer Solstice) to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Seasonal Living Workshop: Spring

Seasonal Living Workshop: Spring

This workshop provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning with the cycles of the seasons. Workshop presenter, Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles, and she'll outline the seasonal transition days to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Seasonal Living Workshop: Spring

Seasonal Living Workshop: Spring

This online workshop, hosted on the Spring Equinox, provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning with the cycles of the seasons. Brianne Dela Cruz will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles, and she'll outline the seasonal transition days to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Seasonal Living Workshop: Winter

Seasonal Living Workshop: Winter

This workshop provides you with a foundation to rewild yourself through aligning with the cycles of the seasons. Workshop presenter, Brianne Dela Cruz of Gather & Grow will lead you in discovering the energies of the seasonal cycles, and she'll outline the seasonal transition days to engage in celebratory ritual as you move through the year so you can connect deeper with the natural world.

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Yule Rewilding Club Gathering

Yule Rewilding Club Gathering

Join us on zoom for our FREE Yule | Winter Solstice community gathering to meet other Gather & Grow subscribers and feel supported by like-minded folks. We gather to discuss seasonal themes, learn the history + folklore of the celebration, set intentions and journal together in ritual. Invitations are sent to everyone on our email list 2 weeks prior to the gathering.

It’s causal, conversational, supportive, and friendly.

About the Rewilding Club

Guided by the seasons we unearth personal wisdom and commune with wild-hearted folks far and wide. The Rewilding Club is a Gather & Grow subscriber-based inner circle community.

Through seasonal gatherings, we explore the intersection between nature and personal growth. We’re a group that seeks out a different path in life - one that’s a bit more soulful and simple. Here, the discoveries are greater, time moves a little more slowly, and the rewards are infinitely more sustaining.

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