Posts tagged nature
The Wheel of the Year: Seasonal Living for Spirituality

Seasonal living supports us in many practical ways throughout daily life. Connecting to nature seasonally can also support us from a spiritual perspective. Rooted in ancient sacred paganism and the modern Wiccan tradition, The Wheel of the Year offers a sacred calendar and rituals that align with nature.

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Seasonal Living, Slow LivingBrianne Dela CruzThe Wheel of the Year: Seasonal Living for Spirituality, The Wheel of the Year, Seasonal living, seasonal living for spirituality, spirituality, nature, wiccan wheel of the year, paganism, paganism and nature, The wheel of the year, 6 seasons, The 6 Seasons in Nature, Six, aligning with the six seasons, Wheel of the Year Rituals, Wheel of the year celebrations, seasonal celebrations, witchy celebrations, sustainable witches, green witches, samhain, Samhain, Samhain rituals, samhain traditions, Yule, Yuletide, Yule rituals, Winter Solstice, Yule traditions, Nature gatherings, nature spirituality, Imbolc gathering, imbolc rituals, imbolc traditions, imbolc symbolism, imbolc nature, yule symbolism, samhain symbolism, Ostara meaning, Ostara symbolism, ostara rituals, ostara, ostra and easter connection, ostara symbolism, ostara traditions, beltane meaning, beltane rituals, beltane traditions, beltane symbolism, beltane gatherings, may day meaning, Litha rituals, summer solstice rituals, spring equinox activities, spring equinox rituals, litha meaning, litha traditions, litha rituals, summer solstice litha, Litha, Beltane, midsummer, midsummer garden, Lammas, Lammas rituals, lammas traditions, lammas meaning, lammas sabbat, wiccan sabbat, wheel of the year sabbat, wheel of the year festivals, fire festivals, earth wisdom, cross quarter festival, seasonal gatherings, seasonal living ideas, lammas gatherings, Mabon gathering, mabon meaning, mabon symbolism, litha symbolism, lammas symbolism, mabon rituals, mabon traditions, mabon festival, fall equinox gathering, fall equinox celebration, fall equinox rituals, equinox rituals Comments
The Art of Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, and the artful practice of connecting nature, is tonic for the body and soul. It is all about taking care to notice the delicate transformations in our environment as they happen through the year and adjusting the way we live in response. It’s about being more in tune with each of the micro seasons that fall within a single year and the life cycles of the flora and fauna that inhibit our ecosystems. It’s about growing our awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and engaging in communication with nature.

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Wild Foraged Pine Resin Balm

Have you ever walked under evergreens and noticed the trees excreting drops of sap? On a recent adventure into the forest I came across a beautiful old pine tree that was dropping large globs of pine resin. Here are my instructions for sustainably harvesting pine resin and using it to craft an antimicrobial healing balm.

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Summer Solstice Rituals

Midsummer is the peak celebration of the Summer Season and the midway point in the solar cycle. Here are six illuminating rituals to slow down and connect to nature this Midsummer season.

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