Posts tagged sustainable living
How Living by the Seasons Drastically Improved My Life

Embarking on a journey of seasonal living has been one of the most nourishing and transformational experiences of my life. Although, it required experiencing an intense burnout and breakdown in order for me to realize how important living closer to nature was for my health and happiness.

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The Art of Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, and the artful practice of connecting nature, is tonic for the body and soul. It is all about taking care to notice the delicate transformations in our environment as they happen through the year and adjusting the way we live in response. It’s about being more in tune with each of the micro seasons that fall within a single year and the life cycles of the flora and fauna that inhibit our ecosystems. It’s about growing our awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and engaging in communication with nature.

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How I Manage My Eco Anxiety

After wrestling with eco-anxious thoughts for years, I decided to choose not to let these concerns send me into a tailspin. Rather, I’ve allowed them to inspire the discovery of a better way to live. So, how do I manage my environmental anxiety in order to live my best life? I find balance through using the same tools I use to cope with general anxiety, hyper-sensitivity, and an empathic nature. This is what I do…

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Build Your Own Zero Waste Kit

Single use plastic dining ware is a huge culprit to our planet’s plastic waste problem. Now is the time to opt out of the convenient consumerism epidemic by building, and using, a zero waste dining kit. Commit to taking it with you wherever you go so you always have a sustainable option!

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12 Sustainable New Year's Resolutions

In light of our planet’s environmental outlook you may be wanting to live more sustainably or even considering going zero-waste this year. To help, I’ve created a list of 12 achievable sustainable living New Year’s Resolutions. Regardless of which goal you work towards you’ll be well on your way to being an eco-conscious citizen!

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12 Easy Sustainable Living Swaps

When I first started making sustainable changes I was relieved to learn that it was easier and more affordable than I thought. I would like to share with you the first 12 items I’ve easily traded out for sustainable choices that allow me to live a more low-waste lifestyle that is better for the environment. Some are commonly known and others might be new to you. Check it out!

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SustainabilityBrianne Dela Cruz12 sustainable swaps, Sustainable Living, sus, sustainable living, sustainable craft, sustainable alternatives, sustainable crafts, sustainable kitchen, sustainable living innovations, sustainable kitchen product, sustainable living projects, zero waste craft, zero-waste living, zero waste living, zero waste alternatives, zero-waste lifestyle, zero waste home, zero waste plastic wrap, zero-waste craft, zero waste project, zero-waste, reusable products, reusable kitchen products, reusable home products, reusable lifestyle, eco-conscious living, eco-conscious products, earth friendly products, earth friendly trades, earth friendly swaps, earth friendly lifestyle, environmental impact, environmentally friendly products, environmentally friendly choices, sustainable movement, zero-waste movement, sustainable products, green products, green living, sustainable journey, zero-waste journey, mesh produce bags, re-bags, reusable bags, beeswax wrap, deo-paste, deodorant paste, natural deodorant, sustainable deodorant, earth friendly deodorant, zero-waste deodorant, bamboo toothbrush, natural toothbrush, zero-waste toothbrush, Briut Essentails Tooth Brush, charcoal toothpaste, natural tooth paste, natural home, safety razor, sustainable razor, reusable razor, package-less life, package-less bar soap, package-less products, bulk soap, natural soap, sustainable bathroom products, sustainable personal products, natural dish sponge, natural dish scrubber, sustainable dish scrubber, sustainable dish sponge, eco-sponge, eco dish scrubber, natural sponge, wool dryer balls, wool balls, natural dryer balls, stainless steel straw, natural straw, bamboo straw, reusable mug, reusable cup, sustainable cup, sustainable coffee mug, single use plastic, zero-waste plastic, plastic free kitchen, plastic free home, plastic free, plastic free living, plastic free craft, plastic wrap alternative, 12 easy sustainable swaps, 12 easy sustainable living swapsComment
DIY Beeswax Wraps

These reusable beeswax wraps are an excellent sustainable product that replaces plastic wrap and plastic food-storage packaging in the kitchen or for packed lunches. It’s so easy to make too! Check out my quick tutorial.

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